Nutrafol Review: Is it Worth the Price?

Nutrafol Review: Is it Worth the Price?
Nutrafol Review: Is It Worth The Price?

With so many supplements to choose from for hair growth problems, deciding which ones are even worth trying can be hard to do. Supposedly, many supplements can do wonders for your hair growth, but they don’t always work the way they claim. That is besides the many causes of hair loss affecting which supplements will and will not work for you. Therefore, knowing all you can about hair loss supplements is key to knowing if they might actually work for your thinning hair. So, let’s get into Nutrafol, what they are, what their products do for you, how this can help your hair, and other things you likely need to know before you try out their supplement. There is a lot of buzz about Nutrafol, and you just might agree that it is just what you were looking for.

About Nutrafol

To start, Nutrafol is made by a company that has a lot of other products that they offer. We’ll get to the products shortly, but for now, let’s look at the company itself. Nutrafol is both the name of a product and the name of the company. This brand almost solely focuses on helping you with your hair loss. This is partially evidenced by their official statement saying that they are there for your hair, your health, and humanity. Basically, Nutrafol understands that having healthy hair can empower you in other areas of your life. Nutrafol is a fairly unique company in that it was founded by three people who had experienced hair loss. These three individuals wanted to make sure that others wouldn’t struggle with hair loss as they had. They also wanted better products for hair growth for those with thinning hair. Giorgos Tsetis, Roland Peralta, and Dr. Sophia Kogan are these three people, and each played a role in forming Nutrafol. The first, Giorgos Tsetis, was actually a model whose stressful lifestyle caused his hair to thin. Of course, as a model, this was a big deal to him, and Giorgos ended up taking a prescription for it and living with the side effects in order to keep his hair. Dr. Sophia Kogan was going to medical school, which is known to be quite stressful as well. Dr. Kogan is now the Chief Medical Advisor at Nutrafol, and she is one of the ones who helped develop the Nutrafol line of products. Finally, Roland Peralta struggled with thinning hair for an entirely different reason. Peralta had a battle with thyroid cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and other health problems. Each of these three wanted to offer something better for other people, no matter why their hair was thinning.

The Nutrafol Products

As mentioned, Nutrafol has a number of products that they offer for your hair growth. The Nutrafol products are almost all proprietary blends of different botanicals, vitamins, and minerals. Each ingredient in it is tested for efficacy against hair thinning and has been selected based on its results. While the full ingredients aren’t available for all the products, the main ones are given. Each Nutrafol product takes a slightly different method for counteracting hair loss. Instead of just starting hair health, Nutrafol fights hair loss and keeping hair healthy. The ingredients like biotin and keratin help keep hair healthy, but the other ingredients like ashwagandha, palm oil extract, and biocercumin help address hair loss. Looking at each Nutrafol product can help you pick which one you might be interested in.

The Core Four

Nutrafol has four individual products that are considered to be its ‘core’ products. Each core product from Nutrafol is specifically tailored to one specific group of people. The names of these products make it pretty self-explanatory who they are for. The Nutrafol Men is for men, the Nutrafol Women is for women, the Nutrafol Postpartum is for women after pregnancy, and then Nutrafol Womens Balance is for women who are around menopause. These four Nutrafol supplements have many ingredients in common, but with subtle differences. For example, Nutrafol Men includes more saw palmetto, as this plant help with DHT, which men struggle with more. Pattern baldness is just one example of how DHT can be particularly damaging to men’s hair. Nutrafol Women instead has a couple more things that supposedly help with stress. Where men are more affected by DHT, women’s hair is more affected by stress levels. So Nutrafol Woman specifically works on that and can also help a little with improving the quality of one’s sleep. The Nutrafol Postpartum helps build everything back up, correcting any damage and balancing the hormones that tend to get out of whack during pregnancy. Finally, the Nutrafol Womens Balance is, as mentioned, for those going through menopause, which frequently causes the hormones to get out of balance. The fact that Nutrafol has these four core products is a good thing. There are clearly benefits to taking a product that is even slightly more tailored to your needs than a generic hair supplement that is meant for everyone. However, the differences between these products are exceptionally slight. In some ways, Nutrafol could be considered to have simply shifted a few things around just to make more money selling one product as three different ones.

Their Ingredients

Each of the core Nutrafol products has some ingredients in common, as mentioned. The Synergen Complex is one of the highlights of the Nutrafol blend. Saw palmetto has proven its effectiveness for blocking DHT in many trials and studies, making it a star here too. Biotin, though less popular for hair, has been proven to help with some aspects of hair regrowth. The same goes for curcumin, most commonly found in turmeric. Curcumin is a great antioxidant and counters inflammation as well as other things like boosting brain function. Full-spectrum palm extract has some more antioxidants for you. Meanwhile, marine collagen is an amino acid, and it also has proteins that make up the keratin of your hair. Sensoril ashwagandha is an herb that is not very well known. It comes from India and reduces stress, lowers elevated cortisol levels, and a few other things. The hyaluronic acid may sound less desirable, but it helps lock moisture in without over-moisturizing. Then the L-Cysteine, L-Lysine, and L-Methionine are all amino acids that have different functions. The first is an important part of your hair follicle, the second helps give hair shape and volume, and the third protects hairs from oxidative stress. Nutrafol Review: Is it Worth the Price? A few other plants in Nutrafol are horsetail extract to provide silica for hair strength, Japanese knotweed for liver health, black pepper for a surprising array of nutrients, and capsicum for promoting new growth. With some added keratin for stronger hair, Nutrafol finishes off its ingredients by adding vitamins like: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin D, and Iodine. Of course, these ingredients are somewhat rearranged and altered for each core product. There are also the few ingredients that make up the capsules. However, Nutrafol keeps most of these the same for all of them.

The Others

Nutrafol has more than just their core products. They offer your hair growth help in a number of other ways as well. These are other supplements that can be taken in addition to the core ones. They offer a quiz on the Nutrafol site to qualify you for these. They have seven different supplements that are part of the Nutrafol line for targeting specific problems. Their Stress Adaptogen is meant to help with your stress levels, which you might guess from its name. Another that can help with stress is their Vitamin B Boost. Vitamin B can potentially help not only with lowering stress levels a little, but it is more known for helping you with energy levels. This vitamin can do much more than that for your hair, but that alone helps. Next, Nutrafol offers a supplement called Digestive Enzyme, which has an equally self-explanatory name. Hair health can be affected more than you might think by your body’s ability to digest your foods properly. Having more enzymes in your gut to break things down helps you get the most nutrients from whatever you consume. This is why Nutrafol also has a product called Hairbiotic, which is full of the best prebiotics for your gut and your hair. Nutrafol also has a supplement called Liver Support, as liver problems can cause a whole lot of damage to everything, including your hair. Next, is the Sugar Balance supplement, which helps with your metabolism and blood sugar, which can also cause hair thinning. Finally, Nutrafol has a DHT Inhibitor supplement. This one provides an extra amount of blocking for DHT for those who really struggle in that area. Each of these seven additional products Nutrafol offers helps with a potential cause of hair loss.

Getting These

Unfortunately, Nutrafol doesn’t offer tier supplements at this point by themselves, though they might change this at some point. For now, however, Nutrafol only allows you to have the additional supplements if you take their quiz. This quiz has to show that you need help in those areas. You can deliberately answer the questions to try to get a certain supplement if you want. If that fails, contacting Nutrafol themselves is necessary to get these. It is also necessary to subscribe, which is the only way to get their products. The Nutrafol subscription does come with perks, though. For starters, Nutrafol will then give you one-on-one consultations with their naturopathic doctors. In addition, Nutrafol will give you a hair mineral analysis every six months if you want it. The purpose of their mineral analysis is to help you find deficiencies early on so that you can correct them. What the subscription won’t include is the Nutrafol Growth Activator. Maybe the growth serum will be included at some point, but for now, you have to buy it separately. This serum is a topical solution that you apply that has an exceptionally concentrated amount of ashwagandha.

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The Advantages

As you’ve already seen, Nutrafol has some advantages that are obvious. Nutrafol has a great company behind them, and that is beside the story of its founding, which is very promising all by itself. But the unique ingredients in Nutrafol makes it even more so. So many hair growth supplements have pretty much the same ingredients. So, something even a little unique here stands out a lot. Also, the ingredients that aren’t unique are almost all ones that are solid and have reputations for being beneficial. While you are likely to notice the ingredients, you may not look into where they get them. Nutrafol gets all of its ingredients from sustainable sources, which are then by third parties for anything harmful. Next, Nutrafol combines them in the U.S. in facilities that have all the needed certifications. Nutrafol Review: Is it Worth the Price? They offer a quiz that helps you discover which of their additional supplements might be beneficial to you. Nutrafol also offers naturopathic doctors on call that you can ask about the Nutrafol products. These doctors, and the Nutrafol site, can give you a hair mineral analysis to see if you have a deficiency. Finally, though Nutrafol products are not completely allergen-free, it is gluten-free, dairy-free, shellfish-free, hormone-free, drug-free, and free of chemical binders. Chemical binders are fairly common in hair growth products, and it is not something you want. There are plenty of other Nutrafol advantages; too many to go into detail of all of them. So, here are Nutrafol’s highlights:

  • It has a great list of ingredients that are drug-free and help with whole-body wellness.
  • The ingredients address multiple causes of hair loss.
  • It has a unique ingredient that is backed by clinical research.
  • The company behind Nutrafol is great as well and offers a subscription.

The Disadvantages

Nutrafol has a lot going for it, as you have seen, but no product is perfect for everyone. In fact, no supplement is absolutely perfect at all. Neither is Nutrafol. Nutrafol doesn’t work for everyone, which is certainly not something you want to hear.

The Price

First, the number one Nutrafol disadvantage that you are likely to notice is the price tag. Yes, the Nutrafol ingredients are pretty good, and they are much higher in both quality and content than many other supplements that they could be compared to. However, there are also other hair loss supplements that have ingredients that are just as good but for a cheaper cost. For a fraction of the price, Folexin offers a lot of the same primary ingredients you’ll find in Nutrafol. Another more affordable option is Viviscal; you can check out which is better between Nutrafol and Viviscal here. Consider the pricing on Nutrafol to put this into perspective quickly. Nutrafol costs $80/mo, which comes out to over $960/year, and has a similar rating to Folexin. With Folexin, you can purchase 5 months at just $18/mo. It’s a no brainer that Folexin makes for a much better investment for your hair. And the biggest difference between the two products? The marketing dollars spent. Nutrafol is spending millions a year on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc. Where do those marketing dollars come from? Inflating the price of their products. In fact, you can purchase 4 bottles plus one for free of Folexin for the exact same price as one month of Nutrafol. If you are hesitant about the steep price, this is an amazing alternative option to see if it may work for you. For the direct comparison of Nutrafol vs. Folexin, look here. In short, the answer to the question if Nutrafol is worth the price is probably a no. However, in the unlikely situation where Folexin doesn’t work for you, it might be worth it cost-wise to give Nutrafol a chance instead of jumping into other treatments that might be even more expensive.

The Warranty

Though Nutrafol may make exceptions to their rule if you call them, their return policy is very strict. On the Nutrafol site, they tell you that the Nutrafol product you want to return will have to meet two requirements. First, the Nutrafol product still has to be in its original packaging, which means you can’t have used it. Second, you have to get in touch with Nutrafol about returning it within 30 days. That is for the full refund. Of course, if Nutrafol doesn’t work for you after trying it, you will most likely be past both the time limit and have opened the supplement. Finding out what you can do in that case requires calling them. Even then, Nutrafol makes no guarantee for their product like other hair supplements do. The response times for Nutrafol tend to be about average; nothing impressive. So, using the Nutrafol chatbot may be more to the point – they do supposedly have a very comprehensive chatbot.

The Side Effects

Even natural ingredients can have the occasional side effect, and Nutrafol, as mentioned, has several of these. The high dosage of herbs can upset your stomach in a variety of ways that aren’t pleasant. But that is mild. Nutrafol has an ingredient or two that can thin your blood. Some Nutrafol users don’t even notice this. However, it is still a side effect, and thin blood can be extremely dangerous in certain circumstances. Because one or two of the Nutrafol ingredients can affect your hormones, this can cause potential side effects. While it is true that practically anything that affects DHT will have some reaction with your hormones, it is still something you should be aware of. Hormone therapy and other things all involve hormone changes as well. So, Nutrafol can interfere with it and vice versa, which can lead to a whole new set of side effects involving your hormones.  That includes possible interference for any hormonal birth controls. Those are just potential side effects for Nutrafol’s core products. The Sugar Balance helps with blood sugar, but can interfere with blood sugar medications. Also, probiotics of any type and antibiotic aren’t supposed to be mixed. The other Nutrafol supplements each have other similar side effects that you should watch out for. So, none of the supplements are to be taken lightly. Even the Liver Support should be taken with care if you have liver problems.

Just Not Suited For…

The ingredients in Nutrafol are not intended for everyone, as clearly pointed out by the possible side effects. There are certain people who should not use Nutrafol, including pregnant and nursing women, those on cancer treatments, etc. You should also use caution if you are using any type of hormone replacement therapy, as mentioned. They also should be used with caution if you are taking blood-thinning drugs or anticoagulants for obvious reasons. Besides those, Nutrafol should also not be used by vegans or vegetarians, or those with fish allergies. The Nutrafol Postpartum also says that, while it can supposedly be safe for women who are breastfeeding, it is not meant for women who are pregnant.

Taking Nutrafol

Nutrafol Review: Is it Worth the Price? If you’ve decided that Nutrafol is right for you, knowing what to expect should you start taking Nutrafol is nice to know in advance. Even if you haven’t and just want to know more about Nutrafol, this information could be a deciding factor for you. The Nutrafol supplement comes in the customary 30-day supply, but what is less customary is the number of pills. The 120 capsules that is supposed to last you a month means taking four pills per day. This number could, technically, be considered another disadvantage to many. Most supplements for hair growth have you take two, sometimes even just one, pill per day. So, having to take four Nutrafol pills every day can seem extremely excessive. You likely don’t really want to take all four Nutrafol pills all at once, though you can if you have to. That means remembering to take the Nutrafol pills at different times throughout the day. True, Nutrafol can be taken with any meal at any time of day. However, if you are taking one of Nutrafol’s other supplements as well, that adds up to even more. That being besides any vitamins or medications you may be taking and also besides its possible effects on your stomach. However, some stomach upset can go away with time as your stomach gets used to it. Also worthy of note, Nutrafol starts giving results within the first 30 to 60 days for most. However, some take 90 days to see results from taking this product. If Nutrafol doesn’t start working for you in that amount of time, it isn’t for you.

Common Questions

Is Nutrafol safe?  While Nutrafol is safe for most people, just looking at the potential side effects will show you that it is not for everyone. Like with any supplement, any medical condition should make you cautious and check with your doctor. Does Nutrafol grow new hair? Nutrafol can grow new hair, and for most people, it does. About 80% of Nutrafol customers have beneficial results of some degree based on the Nutrafol reviews and a clinical study or two, though this may not be as much of a result for your hair as you like. Do you have to keep taking Nutrafol hair supplements? Some supplements require you to keep taking them to keep the results. Quitting Nutrafol will mean no more positive results, but you won’t suddenly lose the progress you made. Where can you buy Nutrafol? The Nutrafol supplements are best to get from, but you can get them from Amazon and a couple of lesser known places as well.

Cheaper Alternatives to Nutrafol

Nutrafol Review: Is it Worth the Price? With the price being as steep as it is, there surely must be cheaper alternatives out there – right? Well, you’d be correct! For a fraction of the price, Folexin offers a lot of the same primary ingredients you’ll find in Nutrafol. Another more affordable option is Viviscal. You can check out which is better between Nutrafol and Viviscal here.

Consider the pricing on Nutrafol to put this into perspective quickly. Nutrafol costs $80 per month, which comes out to over $960 a year, and has a similar rating to Folexin. With Folexin, you can purchase 5 months at just $18 per month.

Folexin Hair Growth Support Supplement for Women & Men with Biotin, Vitamin B6 & Other Hair Vitamins...
Nutrafol Women's Hair Growth Supplements, Ages 18-44, Clinically Proven for Visibly Thicker and...
2 Capsules Per Day
4 Capsules Per Day
Natural Ingredients
All Natural
All Natural
$17/Bottle (When you buy 5)
$88/bottle (One Month)
Current Deal
Buy 4 Get One Free
Average Customer Review
Our Opinion
Similar Results - Way Cheaper
Works Well - Pricey
Full Product Review
Folexin Hair Growth Support Supplement for Women & Men with Biotin, Vitamin B6 & Other Hair Vitamins...
2 Capsules Per Day
Natural Ingredients
All Natural
$17/Bottle (When you buy 5)
Current Deal
Buy 4 Get One Free
Average Customer Review
Our Opinion
Similar Results - Way Cheaper
Full Product Review
Nutrafol Women's Hair Growth Supplements, Ages 18-44, Clinically Proven for Visibly Thicker and...
4 Capsules Per Day
Natural Ingredients
All Natural
$88/bottle (One Month)
Current Deal
Average Customer Review
Our Opinion
Works Well - Pricey
Full Product Review

Last update on 2024-06-27 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

It’s a no brainer that Folexin makes for a much better investment for your hair. Are you’re wondering what the biggest difference is between the two products? The marketing dollars they spend. Nutrafol is spending millions a year on platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, Google, YouTube, Instagram, etc. Where do you think those marketing dollars come from? Inflating the price of their products. In fact, you can purchase 4 bottles plus one for free of Folexin for the exact same price as one month of Nutrafol. If you are hesitant about the steep price, this is an amazing alternative option to see if it may work for you. Read Folexin Reviews, or the direct comparison of Nutrafol vs. Folexin.

Other Nutrafol Alternatives:

Given how popular Nutrafol is, we have also written a few guides comparing it to other hair loss products. Check out those below:

Final Thoughts

Nutrafol has been through about ten years of research and development and comes highly recommended by physicians. The Nutrafol company has won lots of awards, including a 2020 NewBeauty Award and a 2019 Aesthetic and Cosmetic Medicine Award for their hair growth supplement. If you have the extra money in your budget, Nutrafol is worth a shot! But, as said above in this Nutrafol review, for the vast majority of people, you’re getting a similar product and saving a lot of money by using Folexin instead.

How to Take Nutrafol

With your 30-day supply, you will receive 120 capsules. That equals four pills a day. You can take these pills with any meal at any time of day. As mentioned above, there are certain people who should not use Nutrafol including pregnant and nursing women, those on cancer treatments, etc. You should also use caution if you are using any type of hormone replacement therapy. Nutrafol should also not be used by vegans or vegetarians, or others with fish allergies.

Final Thoughts

Nutrafol has been through ten years of research and development and comes highly recommended by physicians. If you have the extra money in your budget, Nutrafol is worth a shot! But said above, for the vast majority of people, you’re getting a similar product and saving a lot of money by using Folexin instead.

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Christopher is the founder of Hair Loss Geeks, which launched back in 2011. At the time there wasn't any credible information on the internet about hair loss. As someone suffering from hair loss himself, Christopher began his extensive research journey. After launching the site, he later graduated from Boston University in 2012 with his PhD in Biochemistry. What started off as a hobby project quickly became a bigger focus as it grew. Christopher hopes everyone can learn from both his experience and research.

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  1. I was looking for a cheaper alternative to Nutrafol 4 or 5 months ago and ended up purchasing Folexin off of your suggestion. I just want to say thank you! It took a few months and I almost gave up on it, but I have recently started to notice a difference in my hair. It’s thicker and started growing back in some areas I thought I had lost it.

    I might try out Nutrafol down the line but right now I can’t afford the price. Happy with the alternative for the time being, keep on the good work.


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