Nutrafol vs Keeps: Which is Better for Hair Loss?

Nutrafol vs Keeps: Which is Better for Hair Loss?

There are some points in your hair loss journey where you might feel the need to talk to someone who knows about hair loss. Often, part of the hardest part of treating your hair loss is getting started. This is where hair loss companies like Nutrafol and Keeps come into play.

These two companies both have a handful of different hair loss products. Just as important, they have people who you can talk to so that your decision will be an easier one. Apart from that, however, Nutrafol and Keeps are quite different, as you are about to see.

About Nutrafol

Nutrafol is one of the more unique companies in the hair loss community. There are a few companies that are similar in some ways, but Nutrafol is truly unique. It was founded by three individuals who had their own experiences with hair loss.

Giorgos Tsetis is one of the Nutrafol co-founders and the CEO of the company. Giorgos was a model in his younger days, but the stress of the rather demanding lifestyle combined with genetics made his hair start thinning.

Though he took a prescription hair loss drug for a while, this left him with side effects that he felt outweighed the benefits. Therefore, Giorgos decided to dedicate himself to finding a natural solution that wouldn’t have the side effects of the drug.

Roland Peralta is another of the co-founders as well as the Chief Innovation and Product Officer. He struggled with thinning hair due to a bout with thyroid cancer and rheumatoid arthritis. As he started his journey back to health, Roland began to experiment with the science of holistic wellness and botanical nutraceuticals.

Dr. Sophia Kogan is the third of the three co-founders and the Chief Medical Advisor at Nutrafol. She actually experienced her hair thinning while she was going to medical school. This thinning was due to a variety of factors, including the lack of sleep, stress, and poor diet. Kogan used the medical knowledge she gained to help herself find a natural way to help your overall health while helping her hair.

These founders feel that most people experience hair thinning at some point in their lives. The goal of the Nutrafol brand is to give you healthy ways to improve your hair growth. They believe that taking charge of your hair growth will help you grow in many other ways. Read: Nutrafol reviews.


The Products

Nutrafol has some truly unique products that it offers. Specifically, Nutrafol has three different hair loss treatments in addition to a variety of supplements that you can get from them by simply participating in their quiz.

The three core Nutrafol products for hair loss are Nutrafol Women, Nutrafol Women’s balance, and Nutrafol Men. Each of these is uniquely suited to the group of people they are intended for. While the bulk of the ingredients are the same, they are in different amounts as needed.

For example, Nutrafol knows that men are more likely to have problems with hair loss due to DHT. So, the Nutrafol Men has more Saw Palmetto to help with this. Women, on their part, are more likely to have hair loss due to stress. So, the Nutrafol Women has more ingredients in it that help combat stress.

The difference between the Nutrafol Women and the Nutrafol Women’s Balance is that the Balance is meant for women who are going through or have gone through menopause. Therefore, the Nutrafol Women’s Balance has ingredients that help with menopause like Saw Palmetto, Maca, and Astaxanthin.

Besides these three core products, Nutrafol also has seven different supplements that can help your hair. These supplements can be used in addition to the core products and target specific factors that might be contributing to your hair loss.

Nutrafol has two products for stress, one being a Vitamin B Boost while the other is a Stress Adaptogen. Hairbiotic is a product meant to increase gut health and nutrient absorption along with Digestive Enzyme.

Sugar Balance helps your metabolism, while the Liver Support helps keeps your liver healthy. Lastly, DHT Inhibitor is for those who need extra help or have excessive amounts of DHT to worry about. Another comparable product to Folexin, which you may have heard of is Viviscal. Check out the full Nutrafol vs. Viviscal review here.

The Advantages

Nutrafol products have countless advantages in their favor. For starters, the simple fact of how natural they are is a definite plus. But Nutrafol truly goes above and beyond in this area to ensure that you like what is in their products.

All Nutrafol products are drug-free. In order to be free of common allergens, Nutrafol has also made all its products gluten-free, shellfish-free, dairy-free, hormone-free, artificial additive-free, and free of any chemical binders that even natural companies can sometimes use.

On top of all that, Nutrafol products are tested by a third party for heavy metals, pesticides, chemicals, and microbiological safety. These ingredients are sourced only from sustainable growers and are put together in the USA. This is done in one of Nutrrafol’s FDA registered and USDA inspected facilities that are Good Manufacturing Practices Certified.

All of this goodness is put in a capsule that you simply swallow. It is very unlikely that Nutrafol products will cause you any type of side effects thanks to the many allergens it is free of. In the meantime, the natural ingredients in Nutrafol products will do other things like helping you sleep and helping your skin and nails.

There are a couple of other advantages that Nutrafol offers as something optional but helpful. First, they keep naturopathic doctors on call. These professionals can guide you into choosing which Nutrafol product is best for you, and if you should use a few of their products combined.

Secondly, Nutrafol also offers a hair mineral analysis. This analysis measures the minerals and things in your hair so that you can see what your hair might be deficient in. This information can be a ton of help in choosing the right Nutrafol product for you.

The Disadvantages

While its advantages outweigh its disadvantages, Nutrafol does have some areas where it Nutrafol vs Keeps: Which is Better for Hair Loss?could improve. First, the cost of Nutrafol is pretty high. In fact, Nutrafol products can cost around 3x as much as many other hair loss treatments.

This price tag can put Nutrafol out of the budget that some people can afford. The dosage of Nutrafol is pretty high too, with the daily dose being four capsules a day with food. Four capsules all at once of anything can seem like a lot.

Also, this high of a dosage of Nutrafol can have some effects on your system even if there are no real side effects. The Saw Palmetto, for example, can affect your hormones. If you have a medical condition that affects your hormones, the Saw Palmetto can interfere with this.

A few of the plants in all of the core formulas are also a natural blood thinner. With healthy blood, you may not even notice a difference. However, you should probably cut back on any blood thinners you may be taking.

The Nutrafol boost products have a couple of things to watch for as well. The Sugar Balance will balance out your blood sugar even if you are already taking a medication that is doing this for you. Meanwhile, probiotics of any kind should also not be used if you are on antibiotics.

On the topic of the boosters, in order to order these products, you have to complete the Nutrafol hair wellness quiz. You also are required to subscribe to Nutrafol to buy their boosters at all.

Finally, the Nutrafol return policy is a pretty strict one. Not only is there a bare 30-day policy, but you have to return products in their original package. This doesn’t work for products that are opened.

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About Keeps

The Keeps program is one that has a pretty simple and straightforward beginning. Going to college, a man named Steve met and became fast friends with a man named Demetri. These two men stayed friends even after they graduated from college.

Over the years, Steve started losing his hair. This started both men on a long journey to solve Steve’s hair loss. They researched, read, and tested various hair loss products until they found out what truly worked.

By the end, Steve and Demetri had found that something was missing in the world of hair loss products. What was missing was a comprehensive program that helped people find the right product and help them along their way.

This is why these two men formed Keeps and started the Keeps program. At first, the Keeps program was small and simple. Now, however, Keeps has started to grow, getting more tools, hair experts, and other perks.

To join the Keeps program, it is necessary to go to their website. Once there, Keeps tells about their goals, the different products they offer, and allows you to get signed up. First, the Keeps questionnaire requires you to enter in some information.

This information includes things such as how long you have had hair loss and other important things. You are also going to need pictures of your hair and an ID as well. Once you have finished filling everything out, you then have to wait for a Keeps professional to talk to you.

This person will go over your information with you, your goals, and will tell you what Keeps product they think will be the best one for you to go with. At the end of that, your order will be placed for whatever Keeps product you have decided on.

Keeps Hair

The Products

Since its founding, Keeps has tried to balance out the products they offer to cover the different triggers of hair loss. Keeps has also done its best to make sure that it provides different forms of hair loss products as well.

This is why, out of the four different products that Keeps offers, each is used in a slightly different way. First, there is the Finasteride. This is a 1mg pill that you take for your hair loss once per day, preferably at the same time every day.

Finasteride is easy to swallow, but it can negatively affect your hormones and send them off balance. This imbalance caused by this pill can do things such as affect your libido, give you breast tenderness, and other unfortunate things.

Minoxidil is both the second and third of the Keeps products. This is because Keeps offers Minoxidil in two different forms, a liquid, and a foam. Both the liquid and foam are a 5% Minoxidil solution, and both are supposed to be applied to your scalp twice daily.

To help you apply the right amount, Keeps makes these with a small measuring tool so that you don’t use too much. Most people are aware of how Minoxidil works, but it also comes with some potentially serious side effects.

Ketoconazole Shampoo is, as the name suggests, a shampoo that you use on your hair. Though perhaps not as well-known as the other Keeps products, this shampoo is quite useful as an antifungal. Fungal infections, and bacterial infections, can cause or contribute to hair loss.

This Keeps shampoo is meant to be used regularly for a few months in order to clear out infections. Ketoconazole Shampoo can clear up a wide variety of infections that can be plaguing your scalp, including yeast infections.


The Advantages

Often one of the hardest parts of curing hair loss is deciding what product you should try for your hair. The Keeps program and the people who work there can be a huge help in this area. Where most hair loss companies do have some form of customer service agents, Keeps has true hair loss professionals.

These professionals can answer your hair loss questions in depth and actually know what they are talking about when they recommend that you try something. As a part of the Keeps program, these Keeps hair doctors can work with you through the whole process.

Having a hair expert that you can talk to can help you with so many problems. Though setting up a meeting with a Keeps doctor does cost you a small fee, it can really set your mind at ease.

Sometimes you may react to one of the hair loss products, and this can make you uncertain as to if you should continue to use it and hope that the symptoms get better or if you should switch to something else.

Then, Keeps also has some tools to help you track your hair progress. On the Keeps website, they have articles telling you what to expect when you start or stop taking any of the products they offer.

There are too many advantages of being a part of a hair loss program to list. Simply put, a program can offer so much more than you can get by simply going to the store or ordering a hair loss product online.

Finally, the variety of products that Keeps offers covers pretty much anything that might be contributing to your hair loss. The fact that the Keeps products are all proven to work should help give you confidence that you will improve.

The Disadvantages


The fact that Keeps is a program may have a lot going for it. However, having to go through the hoops of signing up for any type of program can be a bit of a pain. Some people find that talking to someone about their hair loss is something that is embarrassing and feel that this is something that should be kept private.

Then, you also have to give Keeps information, such as proof of your ID. While the Keeps site is perfectly secure, giving out your information, especially online, can always feel a little risky. Then, waiting for the Keeps professional to contact you is another step that takes time.

All of this is a lot of trouble, especially when you can simply order the same products from other companies without having to go through all of the hoops of joining a program. If you don’t intend to take advantage of the different tools that the Keeps program offers, it can truly seem like a waste of time.

That is not to mention that the Keeps program is geared exclusively towards men. Three out of the four products that Keeps offers are one that should not be used by women at all. Therefore, women should look elsewhere for a hair loss program.

However, even men might reconsider joining Keeps if they are trying to reverse their hair loss naturally. None of the Keeps hair loss products is anything that could be considered natural. In fact, the various side effects of these products can be quite serious.

The Finasteride and the Minoxidil, in particular, can affect things such as your hormones, heart, lungs, and other vital functions that you cannot live without. None of these are side effects that you want to experience. Read: Keeps review.

Comparing Nutrafol And Keeps

While Nutrafol and Keeps have a handful of things in common, they have just as many differences. The very way they choose to deal with hair loss is almost vastly different. Where one uses natural products, the other uses medications.

Nutrafol tries to take the natural route with treating hair loss. Its goal is to eliminate side effects and increase the health of your whole body. Nutrafol also has more product options that can help you target specific hair problems.

Meanwhile, Keeps has products that are more similar to medications. The fact that one of the Keeps products requires a prescription to get should be evidence of this. However, these hair loss medications are ones that are proven to work.

As far as the price tags, Keeps is hands down the less expensive of the two options. However, though cheaper on your pocketbook, Keeps may have costs to your health. There is no indication as to if the shampoo has any side effects, but the Finasteride and Minoxidil certainly do.

Though Nutrafol costs more, these products are more likely to help your overall health. Nutrafol is also much freer with the information that it offers. Both companies do have doctors on call for you to talk to if you need more information.

If you are concerned about either brand of hair products not working for you, they both have warranties. Keeps has a much longer warranty but doesn’t specify what that warranty entails. However, Nutrafol has a shorter warranty that is clear and straightforward.

Finally, Nutrafol has specific products for both men and women. In fact, Nutrafol even has specific products for post-menopause and pre-menopause to ensure that the women get the help for their hair they need. Keeps, on its part, only really caters to men.

Keeps before and after


Nutrafol is the obvious choice out of these two options for women dealing with hair loss. However, this brand of hair products may not fit in everyone’s budget. Another slightly more affordable option than Nutrafol is Viviscal. The final decision as to which company better fits what you are looking for is entirely up to you.

In either case, you can get some of their products without subscribing. Some of each company’s other products will require you to subscribe to their program in order to purchase them. If you are not interested in subscribing to a program, there are other options.

Folexin, for example, is a well-researched hair loss treatment that you can get without having to jump through any program hoops. It is natural like the Nutrafol products are while being less expensive like the Keeps products are. In short, Folexin is the best of both. Curious? Check out the Folexin review.

Nutrafol Women's Hair Growth Supplements, Ages 18-44, Clinically Proven for Visibly Thicker and...
Keeps for Hair Loss
Folexin Hair Growth Support Supplement for Women & Men with Biotin, Vitamin B6 & Other Hair Vitamins...
4 Capsules Per Day
Once per Day
2 Capsules Per Day
Natural Ingredients
All Natural
All Natural
$88/bottle (One Month)
$60/mo (Three Months)
$17/Bottle (5 Months)
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Works Well - Pricey
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Nutrafol Women's Hair Growth Supplements, Ages 18-44, Clinically Proven for Visibly Thicker and...
4 Capsules Per Day
Natural Ingredients
All Natural
$88/bottle (One Month)
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No Reported Side Effects
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Works Well - Pricey
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Keeps for Hair Loss
Once per Day
Natural Ingredients
$60/mo (Three Months)
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Our Opinion
Limited to Men
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Folexin Hair Growth Support Supplement for Women & Men with Biotin, Vitamin B6 & Other Hair Vitamins...
2 Capsules Per Day
Natural Ingredients
All Natural
$17/Bottle (5 Months)
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No Reported Side Effects
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Last update on 2024-06-26 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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Christopher is the founder of Hair Loss Geeks, which launched back in 2011. At the time there wasn't any credible information on the internet about hair loss. As someone suffering from hair loss himself, Christopher began his extensive research journey. After launching the site, he later graduated from Boston University in 2012 with his PhD in Biochemistry. What started off as a hobby project quickly became a bigger focus as it grew. Christopher hopes everyone can learn from both his experience and research.

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