Fish Oil for Hair Growth: Can it Help?

Fish Oil for Hair Growth: Can it Help?
Fish Oil For Hair Growth

Derived from the tissue of certain fish, fish oil can be added to your daily diet or as a supplement to help you in many ways. The Omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fish oil helps the human body, and because we aren’t able to make our own, adding a source of this through diets or supplements can help control inflammation. Fish oil has many benefits like preventing heart disease, lowering anxiety and depression, helps prevent arthritis pain, and more; but can it help with hair growth? Read on to find out more!

Positive Results Using Fish Oil

There are thousands of people who consume this supplement every day to help prevent hair loss or boost hair growth. Although there are no studies that have enough evidence to fully support the claim, the good news is there has been positive research in the right direction.

  • A 2015 Study over the course of three months showed women who took the fish oil supplements had significant increases in hair growth and a reduction in hair loss.
  • Another 2015 Study indicated that there was a reduction in hair loss and an increase in hair density by the women who took a supplement of antioxidants paired with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
  • A 2018 Study used mackerel-derived fermented fish oil extract and applied it topically to mice. Those in the study showed a significant improvement in hair growth.

So how does fish oil help promote hair growth? It’s suggested that the omega-3 in fish oil:

  • Prevents inflammation in the hair follicle, which is a common factor that contributes to hair loss
  • Provides added proteins and nutrients to the skin and hair follicles
  • Improves circulation in the scalp

Also, since the omega-3 found in fish oil is considered a “healthy fat,” you can see improvement if you have a dry, flaky scalp!

fish oil for hair loss

How to Add Fish Oil To Your Routine

There are a few different ways that you can add fish oil to improve your hair growth. The first method is to add more fatty fish to your diet. This includes eating more mackerel, salmon, and herring. However, if you’re not a fan of fish, you can take a supplement.

When you take a fish oil supplement, they are generally considered safe, but we always suggest that you check with your doctor before adding any new medications or supplements to your daily routine. They’ll advise you on the proper dosage for your needs, but it is suggested to not take more than 5,000 mg of an omega-3 fatty acid daily.

Are you vegetarian or vegan? Don’t worry. If you’d like to get the omega-3 benefits without consuming fish, the best way is to add walnuts, flaxseeds, broccoli, spinach or edamame to your diet.

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Side Effects

As mentioned above, fish oil is generally safe, however, there are a few common side effects of taking this omega-3 supplement. While generally mild, these side effects include:

  • Fishy aftertaste
  • Bad breath
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Indigestion
  • Rash

Fish oil supplements could also interact negatively with other medications like contraceptives, blood pressure medications, and anticoagulants. That is why it is important to speak with your health care provider before you begin taking a fish oil supplement.

Final Takeaway

Although it has not been formally proven, there are many benefits to adding fish oil to your daily routine, including boosting hair growth. Just be sure to speak with your doctor to make sure it is safe for your personal needs first.

Tired of chasing down hair growth solutions without the results you’re after? Make sure you’re using the 3 hair loss products known to work before experimenting with alternative solutions – you may be surprised with how effective those 3 alone can be.

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