What Does Biosil Do?

What Does Biosil Do?
Mature woman patient takes blank white bottle of medicine from doctor sitting in comfortable armchair in light room closeup

Biosil is a hair loss supplement that is supposedly an advanced collagen generator. However, that phrase isn’t exactly one that will do you any good if you don’t know what a collagen supplement will even do for you. More than that, Biosil also says that one of its ingredients is a choline stabilized orthosilicic acid.

What Does Biosil Do?

Since that is a lot of syllables, and it still can leave you wondering just what Biosil does and how it affects you, it is important to know more. After all, taking Biosil is not something you want to do if it will negatively interfere with medications, even if it helps your healthy hair and strong nails.

What Biosil Says It Does

When looking at what Biosil does, the first place to look is obviously at what Biosil says. After all, Biosil clearly has plenty of reasons to tell you all about the benefits of their Biosil supplements. Though this doesn’t necessarily share how Biosil works or how it does things, it can at least give you an idea.

For starters, Biosil’s main claim is that it uses natural factors to help with collagen production. Biosil also says that it helps with two other things besides collagen, namely elastin and keratin.

These three things certainly are known to help with nail health, skin health, and hair growth. These are the three main things that Biosil supplements claim to help you with. More specifically, Biosil says it helps reduce wrinkles, give you stronger and thicker hair, and cures your brittle nails.

What Does Biosil Do 3

As collagen and elastin are known for being one of the main things responsible for both your hair and skin elasticity, this answers some of the question of how Biosil works. Collagen is used for your hair as well, just to a lesser degree.

The same goes for keratin, which makes up a large part of the strands of your hair. A lack of keratin can quite easily cause a little hair loss simply because your body doesn’t have what it needs to make your hair. Keratin is also used by your body to grow stronger nails, which is easily why Biosil claims to help with all those things.

Instead of providing your body with collagen, elastin, and keratin, however, Biosil says that it simply helps your body make more of these itself. So, to really understand what Biosil does, it is necessary to look at the ingredients.

The Biosil Ingredients

As far as the Biosil ingredients, these are fairly simple. In fact, Biosil technically only has one active ingredient. This is ch-OSA, which is a patented molecule made by Biosil. This molecule is essentially a form of silicon that has been stabilized using choline.

This being the case, you can actually get some of the benefits of both choline and silicon. But to know how these two ingredients help with your collagen and other things, we’ll need to take a closer look at both of them.

The few other ingredients Biosil has in it are all there just to keep it stable and in the form you buy it in. For example, the capsule has to be made out of something, and Biosil comes in two different types of capsules.

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The Choline

What Does Biosil Do

Choline does a lot of different things in your body. One of the first things choline does is it helps form your DNA and your cells. Specifically, choline helps to form the cells that make up your nerves and a lot of the ones that are in your brain as well.

Therefore, choline is responsible for your nerve help, and it also helps your memory retention. Part of what it does for your nerves is muscle memory, which can help exercising take up less energy. This, in turn, means that choline can help you exercise more, which can also help with weight loss.

Another thing that choline does is it cuts down on fats in your body. Part of it is because choline uses these fats to make your cells structures. Another part is because your liver needs certain fats, and choline helps it get these fats.

At the same time, choline also makes sure your liver and other areas don’t get too much of the wrong fats. These fats are the ones that can potentially build up in areas you don’t want them and can cause problems.

A fatty liver won’t work properly, for starters. Also, fat in your arteries can build up in the form of cholesterol, which can cause a whole host of other problems.

As for what else choline does, and what Biosil does by extension, a lot of it goes into growing. This is why choline is especially needed by soon-to-be mothers. Babies need choline to form their brain and nerve tissue properly, and even growing kids need choline for these reasons as well.

The Silicon

Silicon may not be something that the average person takes as a supplement, but silica is. Though silica and silicon are two different things, silica is actually made up of silicon cells. Therefore, it is entirely possible for your body to use silicon to make the silica it needs.

Silica is used in a variety of different things throughout the body. Like choline, silica is used in your brain, so much so that it is often found in Alzheimer’s medications. Also, though silica may not help with your liver directly, it does help with detoxing your body.

Other than that, silica is part of what makes up your bones, ligaments, and cartilage. Bone health, including your teeth and in addition to your gums, all are benefited by silica. As for your ligaments and cartilage, silica can help your joints and range of motion to be not so stiff even after an injury.

More to the point, silica is also a key part of your hair, skin, and nails. Silica is also something that plays a fairly large role in your collagen. It is silica that helps your collagen stay intact, and it adds elasticity to collagen.

Since collagen, as we have already said, is important for your hair, skin, and nail growth, silica is helpful for all those things as well. Silica is also good for your bones, as it is part of what helps your body process calcium, which is needed for bone density.

Finally, some silica also goes into making some of your tissues. Specifically, these are the tissues that make up part of your stomach lining and the lining of your arteries. Silica does a lot more than these things, including playing a small part in your immune system, but those are the highlights.

Is There Proof?

A company like Biosil can make all sorts of claims about what their supplement can do. However, that doesn’t mean that Biosil can actually do those things. Having dermatological research and a clinical trial or two can, therefore, be much more convincing.

Biosil has actually had three different tests done on their products, each clinical trial to test a different thing. These three were done on Biosil’s effects on skin, hair strength, and joint pain. Each study was a success in that Biosil helped with all three of these things.

In these, Biosil also had the notable side effect of helping with nail growth. Besides the clinical trials, there are also plenty of reviews that count as proof that Biosil works at least somewhat.

So, while Biosil may or may not be proven to do a lot – not when compared to other products that have had more studies done on them – there is plenty of proof.

Final Thoughts

All in all, while Biosil isn’t exactly able to say how choline and silicon help increase your collagen production, it is fairly clear that it does so. Biosil can do a lot for you, surprisingly even having more benefits than the ones they list.

Considering the fact most hair loss supplements gladly go to great lengths to list out every single benefit for you, this is actually a little refreshing. Biosil focuses on telling you the benefits that you are most likely to want their product for.

If you use Biosil, feel free to let me know if your Biosil supplement did anything for you that I haven’t talked about!


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Christopher is the founder of Hair Loss Geeks, which launched back in 2011. At the time there wasn't any credible information on the internet about hair loss. As someone suffering from hair loss himself, Christopher began his extensive research journey. After launching the site, he later graduated from Boston University in 2012 with his PhD in Biochemistry. What started off as a hobby project quickly became a bigger focus as it grew. Christopher hopes everyone can learn from both his experience and research.

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