How to Moisturize Your Hair Naturally

How to Moisturize Your Hair Naturally
How To Moisturize Your Hair Naturally

To moisturize means to add or restore moisture to (something) – to make something moist; counteract a dry condition with moisture.

In other words, to moisturize means to make less dry.

Your hair needs moisture to stay healthy. A moisturized hair will look shiny, manageable, longer, and the curls defined. A dry hair, on the other hand, easily breaks, does not absorb or retain enough moisture to keep its texture and brightness, and may look dull and ugly.

In this article, you’ll learn some quick, easy, honest, and practical tips on how to moisturize your hair naturally.

Why Would Your Hair Get Dry?

natural hair moisturizing tips

There are two reasons why you may be experiencing frequent dry hair:

The first is when your scalp stops producing enough natural oil to moisturize your hair. You see, naturally, the body moisturizes your hair through the help of the sebaceous gland, an oil-producing agent present in the skin of all mammals.

Sometimes, due to age or genetics, this natural moisturizing system may become ineffective, and often leading to dryer skin or hair.

But not to worry, I will suggest some tips to overcome this.

So the second reason has to do with lifestyle, habits, and other unhealthy practices that affect your hair moisture.

Other Causes of Dry Hair

Here are some other known factors that can cause dry hair:

1. Excessive heat from blow dryers, flat irons, curling irons, and hot rollers can cause dry hair:

Though they make your hair look great, they may also be the cause of your having dry hair. High temperatures do strip hair strands of their natural moisturizing abilities.

Take a break from the heat. Experiment with hairstyles like braids that don’t require heat styling. Give your hair a rest from moisture- unfriendly equipment.

2. Over-washing your hair can cause Dry Hair

Shampooing too frequently can strip your hair of its natural oils. Stop shampooing your hair daily. If you have dry hair, it may not be necessary to apply shampoo every day. Stay off shampoos for some days and give your scalp’s natural oil a chance to replenish your dry hair.

3. Exposing the Hair to Too Much Sun, Wind, Chlorine, or Saltwater Can Make It Dry.

Wearing something to protect your hair occasionally can keep your hair healthy. When you’re frequently in the sun or harsh environmental conditions, they can cause your pretty hair color to fade too quickly.

So make it a habit to wear a hat or scarf over your hair in such conditions. Also, waterproof your hair before taking a plunge into the pool to avoid stripping your hair off its natural oils.

4. Too Many Chemical Treatments Can Result in Dry Hair

 Hair color and highlights, as well as relaxers, perms, and chemical smoothers, can all cause healthy hair to become dry hair. Consider using Ammonia-free Hair Color: Tell your stylist about your hair color options.

For example, ammonia-free permanent and demi-permanent formulas are gentler on dry hair and ultimately better for dry hair.

Try non-chemical means of straightening your hair: Today, many excellent smoothing formulas can be applied before you style your hair. These formulas will prevent frizz and flyaways, adding adequate moisture to your dry hair.

5. Bad Brushes and Bad Brushing Can Lead to Dry Hair

Desist from using metal brushes or poorly made brushes with uneven, jagged bristles. They can cause dry hair to tear, which disturbs the hair cuticle and leads to moisture loss.

Stop brushing your hair when it’s wet. Wet hair is usually delicate and vulnerable and can easily be torn or broken with the bristles of a hairbrush.

Consider using a wide-tooth comb: Start at the bottom and gently work your way up to the top to detangle. Leave wet hair in a conditioner or detangler to help smooth the way.

Always choose a good boar bristle brush: Boar bristle will gently and carefully distribute your natural oils via your dry hair as you brush.

Ok. Now, let’s take a look at some tips on…

How to Moisturize your Hair Naturally

How to Moisturize Your Hair Naturally

There are many different types of hair, as well as ways to moisturize every type of dry hair to make it soft and supple. Everybody’s hair is definitely different, and what your dry hair needs might be different from your best friend’s dry hair.

Here are some tips for a variety of hair types:

How to Moisturize Curly Dry Hair

First of all, curly hair is usually drier than many other types. And the reason is not far-fetched. Because of its twisty shape, it takes longer for oil from the scalp to travel down along the length of the hair strand. So, curly hair needs lots of moisture — more than most other types of hair!

Tip 1 – Sprinkle and seal your dry hair with water and conditioner. Do this occasionally to get your curly hair moisture and dampen when at home or during bed rest.

Tip 2 – Every week, you can apply some oil treatment to your curly hair. Simply apply a luxurious treatment of oil formula with such ingredients as gardenia, coconut, or Tahitian Manoi to your dry hair.

Cover your hair with any plastic cap and sit in the sun or under a dryer for say 20-30 minutes. Then you can rinse, shampoo, and condition with a rich conditioner.

How to Moisturize Thick, Coarse Dry Hair

Thick, coarse hair, like curly, also often leads to dryness. It is difficult for this hair type to be moisturized by the scalp’s natural oils. And using chemical smoothers on this kind of hair can often lead to more dry hair.

Tip 1 – Use oil-rich treatment formulas to your damp hair before blow-drying so that you can use a lower temperature setting on your blow dryer.

Tip 2 – Use a rich, rinse-out conditioner after every shower, and follow it up with a moisturizing leave-in spray before styling. Every week, apply a deep conditioning mask. Allow it to penetrate for five to 15 minutes before washing for a silky, smooth result.

Tip 3 – Take daily supplements that are rich in B vitamins, folic acid, magnesium, sulfur, silica, zinc, and/or beta-carotene. They may supplement your diet with the elements that could be causing your hair to feel dry.

How to Moisturize Fine Dry Hair

Fine hair can also become dry, but it is less susceptible to natural moisture depletion. However, when it does become dry, try to moisturize with care to avoid weighing down thin strands.

Tip 1 – Choose lightweight and “rinseable” conditioner for fine, dry hair that won’t settle on your hair and cause it to flatten.

Tip 2 – Fine hair is usually driest on the ends, so focus your conditioner application on the dry areas and skip the roots to avoid weighing them down or causing them to become oily.

How Moisturize Mature Dry Hair

Age, hormones shift, metabolisms all contribute to why women experience hair that becomes thinner and also dryer.

Tip 1 – As suggested earlier, form the habit of doing overnight hair treatment: Simply apply rich, conditioning mask or treatment oil to your hair before going to bed, cover a nice shower. Shampoo and condition your hair in the morning, and you will be amazed at how soft and silky it will feel!

Natural Hair Moisturizing Home Remedies

how to easily moisturize your hair

1. Shea Butter

Shea butter contains some essential oils to create a super hydrating balm for your hair. Excellent for treatment of dry and damaged hair.

2. Raw Egg and Olive Oil

While raw eggs are high in fats and proteins, olive oil contains a compound property called Oleuropein. And both combinations are great potential natural moisturizers.

3. Pumpkin Seed Oil and Honey

Pumpkin seed oil helps a great deal in blocking DHT and preventing hair loss. And honey is a fantastic moisturizer often used in the formulation of most hair conditioners. Try the combo and see the result.

4. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains this moisturizing property that prevents protein loss from the hair strands after washing your hair. Thus, making coconut oil a handy ingredient for your hair care.

5. Banana and Olive Oil

Both banana and olive oil contain moisturizing properties that work together to hydrate your hair and make it soft, shiny, and silky.

6. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel contains these photoprotective effects that help in preventing hair damage caused, especially by the harsh sun rays. A handful of Aloe Vera gel with a cup of water is all you need to enliven your hair starting from today.

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