Ten Tips On How To Get Rid Of Gray Hair

Ten Tips On How To Get Rid Of Gray Hair
Ten Tips On How To Get Rid Of Gray Hair

Once you start to notice those gray hairs popping up here and there, your first thought is most likely that you are far too young to be going gray. After that, your second thought is more than likely going to be how to get rid of the gray.

While you can cover up the gray hairs by using hair dyes of various kinds, this will never fix gray hair, it will only mask it. In order to truly get rid of gray hair, you have to do more than just cover up the gray hairs.

Tip #1: Onion Juice For Catalase

How To Use Onion Juice For Hair Growth

Onion juice is something that has been used for quite a while for various hair problems. Most of the time onion juice is used for hair loss, but it can also be used for gray hair. This is because one of the things that are in onion juice is something called catalase.

Catalase is one of the things that your body needs to avoid gray hair by getting rid of hydrogen peroxide. Your body naturally makes hydrogen peroxide and, without catalase, the peroxide can build up in your hair follicles.

When this buildup reaches a certain point, the result is that it bleaches your hair even if you still have melanin. Therefore, the catalase in onion juice can help get rid of this buildup so that your hair can show its color again.  

On top of that, onion juice is good at getting rid of oiliness, and it contains a few things that help nourish your hair. The simplest way to use onion juice is to run it through a juicer. However, if you don’t have a juicer, then you can use a blender and then strain the juice out.  

Once you have the juice, you can apply it straight on your scalp and rub it in. If you have sensitive a sensitive scalp, then you may want to mix the onion juice 1 to 1 with lemon juice. Leave the onion juice on your hair for 30 minutes and then wash your hair as usual.

Since catalase is so important, anything that you can do to get some of this in your system is a good thing. There are other ways of getting catalase besides using onion juice, so you should take a look at them if you don’t like the smell of onions.

Tip #2: Coffee For Blood Flow

Coffee can help you get rid of gray hair in two different ways. The first way coffee can help is that the caffeine in it encourages the flow of blood to your scalp. If you are old enough to get your first gray hairs, then it is likely your circulation is not as good as your hair needs it to be.  

The other way that coffee helps gray hair is that it can help hide your grays by making your hair look darker. This is very helpful while you are trying to reverse your gray hair. Coffee is much better to color your hair with without using chemicals that might irritate your scalp and harm your hair.

You can use ground beans that have already been ground. Instant coffee granules work perfectly for your hair. Simply rub the grounds into your scalp after cleaning your hair. Let it sit, massaging it in if you want to, for around one hour.

At the end of that time, the coffee should be rinsed out of your hair. If you use a hair rinse, such as an apple cider vinegar and water one, then it can often help the color to last longer. You can use this method as often as you like, but once a day is a good amount to go with.

Tip #3: Indian Gooseberry For Antioxidants

Indian Gooseberry is a plant that goes by a few other names as well. There are a few ways that this berry benefits your hair and an equal number of different ways that you can use it. For starters, Indian Gooseberries are rich in both antioxidants and in vitamins like Vitamin C.

Antioxidants have a lot of anti-aging properties in them and, since graying is an effect of aging, this can help with gray hair. You can use this berry by either taking it internally or by applying it on top of your scalp.

Indian Gooseberries can be eaten fresh, put into pies, or put into smoothies if you want to consume them. They are very healthy to eat, especially if you are struggling with a cold and your immune system needs a boost.

Applying to your scalp, however, will help make sure that the berry and the nutrients in it get to the right spot. To do this, the best way to start is with some coconut oil in a pan and warmed up. Add some Indian Gooseberries – fresh, dried, or powdered works fine – and boil it for a little before letting it cool some.

While the berry mix is still warm, massage it into your scalp. If you can stand it, then you can let it stay in your hair overnight. However, you should at least let it stay in your hair for an hour. Alternately, if you are using fresh berries, you can mix the Gooseberries with an equal amount of lemon juice in a blender and put that on your hair.

How To Use Amla For Hair Growth

Tip #4:  Blackstrap Molasses For Minerals

There are many different kinds of molasses, but blackstrap molasses is one of the richest and the least processed kinds. This makes blackstrap molasses the best molasses option for your hair. It has high amounts of iron, magnesium, and selenium, among other things.

Iron is a vital thing that your hair needs for both strength and color. Using iron to get rid of gray hair will, therefore, also help strengthen and thicken your hair. Like the Gooseberries, you can use molasses both internally and externally for your hair.

Taking molasses internally is easy to do. You can add a teaspoon to your tea or food, or you can take a tablespoon of it all by itself once or twice a day. It is very sweet, and many people like the taste of molasses.

Putting molasses on your hair is every bit as simple. Simply pour the blackstrap molasses directly on your hair and leave it there for half an hour to an hour. At the end of that time, use warm or hot water to rinse the molasses out of your hair. You will have to rinse thoroughly to make sure that your hair is not sticky afterward.

Tip #5: Curry Leaves For Melanin

Curry leaves might not be a remedy for gray hairs that you have heard about, but it is one that you should consider trying. These leaves help your body make the melanin that it needs to have color, and it can help cover up those grays a little to depending on what your natural hair color is.

First, you need fresh curry leaves. You do not need a lot, just a handful, or about a cup of them. There are two things that you can do with these leaves. If you like coconut oil, one option is to cook the curry leaves in the oil.

Then, strain the curry leaves out of the oil and apply the oil to your scalp. Leave the curry oil in your hair for at least 45 minutes and do this a few times a week. You will have to wash your hair out carefully in order to get the extra oil out, but the coconut oil will actually help regulate the natural oils in your hair so that you do not end up too oily.

However, if oil doesn’t appeal to you, you can use a mixture of curry leaves and yogurt instead. Take one part curry leaves and one part yogurt and combine them in a blender to make a paste. Put this paste on your hair for about 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse it off. Use the paste a few times a week.

There are a few other things that have melanin in them that you can use in place of curry leaves. However, these leaves are one of the best options. If you prefer, you can cook and eat them and still get some of the melanin, just not as much.

Tip #6: Amaranth For Vitamins

Both amaranth greens and seeds are edible, and both are foods that are chock full of vitamins and minerals. Eating some of both the seeds and the leaves can help make sure that your body has what it needs for your hair.

However, even if you cannot stand the taste of any part of this plant, you can still use it. Applying it to your scalp can work for your gray hair to restore your color. To use it on your scalp, you will need to have the leaves.

Amaranth leaves can be harder to find than the seeds, but it is possible to find them. Once you have them, just put them through a juicer and rub the juice right into your scalp. You can leave it on for around one hour and then rinse the juice out of your hair.

Tip #7: Tea

Herbal Teas That Your Hair Loves

There are far too many types of tea to count, and almost every type of tea has its own advantages. Herbal teas, in particular, often have high amounts of vitamins and minerals. Teas can even be used to help hide your grays while you try to get rid of them.

For that, you will need to pick a dark tea such as red rooibos. Steep a few tea bags in boiling water as though you are making a cup of tea. Only, as soon as the teabags start to really leach their color into the water, take them out.

Let them cool as much as you need them to, but try to put them on your hair while they are still fairly warm. Put the tea bags in your hair as close to your scalp as possible and leave them there for however long you can do so.

When you want to take them off, you can rinse out your hair with cold water. This will help some of the goodness from the teabags to stay.

Tip #8: Anti-Gray Hair Pills

There are many different anti-graying pills that you can take nowadays. Some of these pills are natural and use herbs and vitamins to help you get rid of gray hair. However, others use ingredients that are not so natural and that have side effects that you should be aware of.

Most of these pills need to be taken once a day, which is quick and easy to do. Taking a pill is certainly a ton easier than applying something to your scalp and then washing it off after letting it sit in your hair for a while.

Since there are plenty of options to choose from, you can look around and see what options seem to suit you best. As an alternative, you can even choose to take a regular daily multivitamin along with some herbal supplements in pill form if you prefer to do that instead.

Tip #9: Pseudocatalase Creams

Pseudocatalase creams are still fairly new, and not many people have heard about them. However, this type of cream can have great results for getting rid of gray hair. The cream is most often used on people who have a disorder called vitiligo.

Vitiligo is a condition that makes you unable to properly use your melanin. This mostly affects your skin, but it can affect your hair as well, making both turn perfectly white and without a shade of color.

This cream has a lot of catalase in it which, as already mentioned, can help fight against gray hair and even reverse it sometimes. While there have been almost no studies to show that it works as well on hair that has simply gone gray, it does show a lot of promise.

Since it comes in a cream form, you simply follow the directions to apply it to your scalp where you are noticing your gray hairs. However, you should know that there are a lot of different chemicals in pseudocatalase creams, some of which can have side effects.

Tip #10: Stop Bad Habits

Doing things to get rid of your gray hair is great. However, there may be one or two things that you should stop doing if you want to get rid of those grays. Smoking, for example, is one thing that can often speed up your graying.

Other bad habits such as drinking, eating a lot of junk food, and other lifestyle choices are also all things that affect your hair. If gray hair is something that really bothers you, it should be worth it to you to make a few changes in your life.

Home remedies for gray hair

Final Thoughts

If none of these ten tips work, there are both chemical dyes and natural ones that you can use to hide your grays. Henna is one of the natural options, and it is a plant that can be used to naturally dye your hair a different color.

If you truly want to get rid of your gray hair, however, you should hesitate to dye your hair. This is because there are so many chemicals in hair coloring products that can be harmful to your hair and make you actually gray faster.

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Christopher is the founder of Hair Loss Geeks, which launched back in 2011. At the time there wasn't any credible information on the internet about hair loss. As someone suffering from hair loss himself, Christopher began his extensive research journey. After launching the site, he later graduated from Boston University in 2012 with his PhD in Biochemistry. What started off as a hobby project quickly became a bigger focus as it grew. Christopher hopes everyone can learn from both his experience and research.

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